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    Travel to Ha Giang this summer with endlessly beautiful scenery

  • Friday, 16:28 Day 08/12/2023
  • Ha Giang with beautiful majestic natural scenery. This summer, traveling to Ha Giang is the time for you to enjoy the fresh, cool atmosphere.

    Ha Giang is a famous tourist destination all year round, always attracting a large number of tourists. Spring with scenes of colorful flowers blooming, Autumn with the golden light of ripe golden terraced fields, Winter with buckwheat flowers blooming throughout the ravines. So what's so attractive about traveling to Ha Giang in the summer? Let's join Ngoc Viet Travel to learn about Ha Giang in the golden light of the summer rays.

    What attracts tourists when traveling to Ha Giang in the summer?

    Have you ever been to Ha Giang in the summer, you want to travel to Ha Giang this summer but don't know what's so attractive about Ha Giang in the summer. Then immediately arrange a trip to Ha Giang, there will definitely be many interesting attractions. From the majestic scenery in the bright green of the mountains and forests to the roads that are dyed golden in the morning sunlight.

    A scene of Ha Giang in golden sunlight

    When the blazing summer sun begins to cover every street corner and road in the city, that is also the time when tourists tend to come to Ha Giang. The borderland with its cool atmosphere always welcomes visitors with gentle breezes, pleasant sunshine, and lush green scenery of majestic mountains and forests.
    Summer is here, that's when Ha Giang is beautiful. The golden sunlight is as sweet as honey, blowing a bit of gentle dew on spring days in the breeze. The sunshine of this place leans into people's hearts, into the scent of grass, trees, flowers and leaves of Ha Giang mountains and forests, making the whole plateau and even the barren rocks become more poetic than ever in the eyes of tourists. Summer sunshine in Ha Giang often comes very early, hiding behind misty clouds on the mountain tops in the distance. In the sight of tourists on Ha Giang tour, clouds seem to be gently landing on the lovely little roofs in the village. When sunset falls, it is also the time to sprinkle a beautiful, brilliant pink color across the sky and earth, creating a scene that will make your heart flutter.

    Nho Que river is clear and blue

    Nho Que River, a famous river throughout the country, flows through Tu San ravine and Ma Pi Leng pass in Meo Vac district. Only about 15km from Lung Cu, this river is considered an earthly beauty of Ha Giang. The river curves gently around the rocky Tu San ravine full of dangers, above which are layered terraced fields stretching across the mountainside.
    The feeling of going to the Nho Que river, walking on the top of Ma Pi Leng pass floating in the clouds in all four seasons, looking down at the thousands of meters deep Tu San canyon, we can see the clear green color of the Nho Que river. The river is winding around the mountainside and you will feel the majesty of the nature of the Northwest mountains and forests. The river water has a beautiful, captivating turquoise color that makes the hearts of many tourists traveling to Ha Giang flutter, combined with the green of the mountains and forests, creating a beautiful picture of Ha Giang.

    Ha Giang has a busy water season for the new crop

    In May and June, when you come to Ha Giang, you will witness a very special scene, which is the pouring water season. At this time, Ha Giang is dreamily beautiful like a real-life oil painting with the image of terraced fields filled with sparkling water like a mirror reflecting in the sunlight to prepare for a crop. new.
    If visitors to Ha Giang tour come here this summer, they will be immersed in the joyful and excited atmosphere of the people here who are rushing to plow and bring water to the fields to prepare them. given a new rice crop. This is the only rice growing season of the year on terraced fields, so if you miss the trip to Ha Giang this summer, it will be a year later before you can witness the scenes of the pouring water season. The scene of people excited for the harvest.

    Admire the seasonal buckwheat flowers in the golden light

    Buckwheat flowers are considered a symbol of the poetic beauty of the majestic hills and mountains of Ha Giang. In winter, buckwheat flowers in Ha Giang almost bloom into vast fields and ravines filled with the colors of this flower. In the summer, this flower only blooms scattered on both sides of small roads up the mountain and at some forest edges.
    The characteristic pink color of buckwheat flowers is creeping in the summer sunlight, making Ha Giang more radiant and full of vitality. Surely when immersing yourself in these flowers, visitors will forget all the tiredness and relax their mind to fly into the gentle atmosphere of the hills and mountains here.

    To forget the hot and uncomfortable heat of summer days, a trip to Ha Giang will make you forget everything and immerse yourself in the majestic scenery of the mountains and forests. Come to Ha Giang on a summer day in the sweet sunlight mixed with the clear, cool atmosphere. Admire the stunning natural scenery like an artist's painting. Surely your heart will be filled with nostalgia for Ha Giang after the trip.