Quality Branding

    1. What is teambuilding in Vietnamese?

    Teambuilding is an activity often mentioned in the work environment. There, “team” stands for Together Everyone Achieve More, meaning everyone contributes together to achieve more benefits or simply understood as team, group. And “building” means to build. So the word teambuilding can be understood as team building.

    What is teambuilding? This is an activity organized in the form of a course or game for participants to experience situations and challenges from which to draw practical lessons to work together to adjust attitudes and behaviors to harmony, consistent with the common interest. Teambuilding is extremely necessary for members of organizations and companies to increase cohesion and team spirit.

    2. What benefits do teambuilding activities bring?

    Normally, companies will organize teambuilding periodically 1-2 times per year with many activities including relaxation, group entertainment, gala dinner...

    • Create bonds between employees in agencies and organizations, especially new members: When participating in a teambuilding trip, employees will have at least 24 hours of time together, having fun together. and common activities. This will be an opportunity for everyone to understand each other better, easily bond and help each other in future collective work.
    • Strongly convey the company's vision, mission, and role: What is the purpose of teambuilding? Through games, the organizers will convey to members meaningful topics and messages to help them better understand the business, mission, and core values ​​of the place they are serving. 
    • Helping individuals develop and improve themselves: What is Teambuilding? This will definitely be an opportunity for members to practice physical fitness, increase flexibility, patience, and teamwork ability through physical and intellectual games, thereby helping employees understand themselves. yourself and try to improve even more.

    • Improve the morale and work performance of teams and groups: Company teambuilding will train individuals to be humble and support each other at work and even in everyday life. From understanding and sympathy, employees can easily connect with each other for the purpose of improving work efficiency.
    • Opportunity to explore and experience new lands or new things: When organizing teambuilding, businesses often plan for employees to visit and experience new lands. That is also the reason why when it comes to this activity, most members are extremely excited.
    • It is an opportunity to rest and relax after a period of stressful work: After a long time of devoting to the company with a lot of pressure and fatigue, employees will certainly always be interested in fun activities, Rest to regenerate labor.